Chris 'Klondike' Masuak? That's him at the front of the band, in the shades with the long hair on the cover of Radio Birdman's first album, "Radios Appear". If you love rock'n'roll, the LP will be in your collection, and, if you're of that era, you may have fibbed about having seen the band in their halcyon days at The Funhouse in Darlinghurst.
When he decided to write about his life, Masuak found that his writing came in short, precise bursts, like songs. After a while, he realised that the order in which these stories should be read should not be chronological, but thematic. Also, he discovered that his life, as reflected here, formed a trajectory of self-discovery, with redemption peeping out from the wings. To allow us to dwell on that story of self-discovery, most real names have been disguised or omitted - Robert Brokenmouth (Editor)
Paperback 153x234mm - 280 pages + Photos and Artwork.
NOTE: Since Covid shipping OVERSEAS is now very high. The book is just over 550grams in weight and has to be shipped at 1kg rate- Sorry the price is what it is.