What' that stink? Oh...there is an election coming up.

Another massive week has passed at Ramble headquarters. As I write this we are several days out from voting in the Australian election. Our flawed two-party system is as shit and corrupt as most countries but we have to get our current PM out at all costs. He is a lying, narcissistic, conservative religious nutbag who shirks all his responsibilities, does fuck all, keep refugees indefinitely jailed and gives tax cuts to his mining buddies and the boys at the top - just your typical politician. If you want to have a laugh, and see what kind of shit canoe runs our country, I swear everything he touches turns into a turd nugget.  https://twitter.com/marquelawyers/status/1526823172800061440

Label Happenings

Last week we released Clara Engel's Cicada Session / In the Fog, Wet by El Topo and the brilliant dark folk masterpiece Laid Under Leaf, Under Branches by UK artist Dark Leaves finally came of the press and looks stunning in its gatefold glory. 

Oh boy, when it rains it pours like a Queensland monsoon. This week we received test pressings for Trio_io, Halo Noose, Nosoy Trio, Luciano Bagnasco, and Ross Hammond. All sound divine - Polish avant garde jazz, improv, ethic jazz, Argentinian avant-garde guitar, Cali 12-string acoustic free stylings, and some solid psych rock from the UK.

This week we also released on CD Refracción by Nosoy Trio. A brilliant album of two long improv tracks that dip in and out of drone, free jazz, ethno jazz, and soundscape. 

I hope you dig guitar because in the next ten days or so we have a real guitar fest. Check these apples: Li Jianhong, Seth Andrew Davis, Droneroom, 
Henry Kaiser and Anthony Pirog, Jeff Grubek, Reid Karris, and Eric Arn. 

Mail-order news

We are chuffed to be supporting two new wonderful labels: Chicago's free improv collective Amalgam and Tenneesse's doom free jazz label Moonlight Cypress Archetypes. Both labels pushing boundaries and releasing wonderfully original and challenging music. 

Distro News

I realise that to spend your hard earned on an LP and then have to pay the same again for shipping is a cost most are not prepared to do, I can announce (well sort of) that we have an agreement with a US distro service and we should have our products in North America within a month. Will have more details next post (the suspense). For domestic shipping prices for Euro folks, please head to Shiny Beast / Clear Spot.

As always, be good to one another.


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